Child restraint systems online
Child restraint systems online

The shoulder straps should be adjusted at or above the shoulders for forward-facing seats and at the armpit level. Donaldson demonstrated the proper technique for securing a child in the five-point harness system. The major emphasis of the paper is on factors related to the handling qualities of different types of child restraint systems. Child safety restraint systems (CSRS) are designed to keep children secure while also keeping the child as comfortable as possible. Restraint - A device used to halt the movement of something. Abstract This paper presents theoretical considerations and investigations concerning child restraint systems in vehicles. Child Restraint Systems (12 companies found) Compare and research Child Restraint System companies and businesses online. Passive restraint system - See airbag restraint system … Dictionary of automotive terms School Bus Fleet Online Directory Child Restraint Systems. 500 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon Also called passive restraint system … Dictionary of automotive terms They may be placed on the dash or doors or even in the shoulder strap. Conolly eingeführtes System der Psychiatrie … Universal-LexikonĪirbag restraint system - A system which uses an airbag to restrain occupants in the event of a collision.

child restraint systems online

Es soll für die optimale… … Deutsch Wikipedia Supplemental Restraint System - Das Supplemental Restraint System (SRS deutsch „Ergänzendes Rückhaltesystem“), irrtümlich auch Sicherheitsrückhalte System genannt, bezeichnet die Einheit aus verschiedenen passiven Sicherheitselementen im Automobilbau. No-Restraint-System - No Re|straint* Sys|tem das s ein Behandlungssystem in der Psychiatrie, das dem Patienten weitgehende Freiheit lässt … Das große Fremdwörterbuch 500 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon Let users know what you would have wanted to know about this company. No restraint-System - No restraint System, soviel wie Non restraint System, s. See airbag restraint system child restraint system passive restraint system supplemental restraint system … Dictionary of automotive terms II Vehicles equipped with safety-belts safety-belt reminder restraint systems child restraint systems ISOFIX child restraint systems and i-Size child. Restraint system - A general term for occupant safety systems such as seat belts, belt tensioners, air bags, child seats, etc.

Child restraint systems online